Welcome to the Cognite InRobot [Early Adopter] Group
Robots have matured in recent years, and even though some companies still struggle with turning robot data into bottom-line impact, a lot of ground has been covered. Cognite uses our software and experience to streamline the end-to-end user journey for enabling robotics. With InRobot, robot operations are made simple , enabling you to benefit from scale-up . With this, Cognite invites our customers to join an early adopter program for InRobot , allowing the journey of automating your processes to begin. Get value out of your robot deployments. With InRobot and Cognite Data Fusion, we help you automate part of your operator rounds. In addition to the repetitive data capture, simple condition monitoring and failure mode detection can be performed. As part of the early adopter program, you will be able to deploy robots for: Perform daily visual operator rounds with available data through a simple UI for onsite and remote process operators. Simple Condition monitoring-based image, thermographic and sensor measurements, including extracted values from dials, digital and level gauges pictures, and thermal cameras. Data will be available as time series, and simple monitoring rules can be set up with ease to notify relevant users . Facilitate robot-assisted observations in the field under the teleoperation of the robot with a live view also powered by navigate to asset functionality for more efficient navigation. As part of the Cognite InRobot early adopter program, you will build solutions for the industry's future. With InRobot and Cognite Data Fusion you get the most powerful tools within industrial automation. The product team will follow you through this journey, allowing for a quicker path to value for your robotics program. We are looking forward to interacting with you, get your feedback and knowledge and transform the industry together
2 years ago