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Welcome to the CDF Fundamentals Discussion!

This discussion is dedicated to help learners of the Cognite Data Fusion Fundamentals learning path succeed. If you’re struggling with the exercises in this learning path, try the tips & tricks below or post a comment with the challenge you’re facing. You can also post your own tips and respond to fellow learners’ questions. Cognite Academy’s instructors are also here to help.



Hi @Sarah Behrens!

Wow, amazing work! Thank you so much, we’ll update the course.



Calculate Delta T :

Click + Add Note, go to Source, and select both of the time series. 

The above lines should be : 

Click + Add Node, go to Source, and select both of the time series.

Please correct the training material.




Hi, I’m in the CDF-fundamentals last course “Working with CDF: Consume” but when I click on “+ New chart” I get a “busy” screen that goes on endlessly.  

Is there something wrong with this?  Have tried different browser types (MS Edge, Chrome), refreshed/reloaded page, removed pop-up blockers, anything I’ve come across in the tip notes but nothing seems to be working.
When I back out “← All charts” it seems the new chart has been created, but when I click the preview icon
I get the same busy screen again.

My data is all starting with Daniel1969.  Thanks for checking.

Best Regards,


Hello, I’m working on the lesson Working with CDF: Consume.  I am having issues with loading the charts section.  Endless loop of failed to load.  Any tips?  Here is a screenshot of what I am seeing.  Thanks



Hi Bbauri, 

Thanks for posting your query.
As I have investigate the problem, but I can’t replicate the issue and chart module in fusion works fine at my side like create the chart, adding the timeserise, visualize timeseries etc. I hope you are using the right project which is “ cdf-fundamentals” to perform the hands-on in fusion and advise you to use the chrome browser to open the https://fusion.cognite

Can you clear the cache of your browser and try again or open the fusion in incognito widow ?

If you face the problem again (failed to load Firebase), please can add the console snap shot of your browser and it will help us to investigate the issue further in details.





Hi Rahul,


Thanks for the response.  I am able to access the data files in manage data catalog with no issue.  I am logged in to the cdf-fundamentals project as well.  My data sets are named Bernard1977 as seen below:

When navigating to the charts section, I am having issues.  Please see screenshots below. 

First it shows as if its trying to load like this:


And I ultimately receive this after trying to reload;

Any help will be greatly appreciated.  This is the final module prior to certification.


Hi Bbauri, 

If you are using any extension in the browser, please disable it, use the latest version of browsers  and check your have - https in the start of url and not http 
Please add the snapshot of the browser console and will help us to find the cause of the issue.


Hello Rahul,

I verified that I am using the https in the start of the url.  Here is a snapshot of the browser console.



Hi Bburai, 

Can you add the snapshot of your console as I can see in the snapshot you have 88 warning in console 
look at the image the image below



Hello Rahul,

Thanks for your help!  Attached is a snapshot of the console.  Thanks


Hi Bbauri,

Thanks for providing the console snap short of browser.
I have investigate deeply and found out all is working fine with the fusion. In the console , you have problem with failed to load resource:net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID, which is related to your network connection and SSL certificate.

I recommend you to check your network connection and SSL certificate in your browser.

Help link 1 and Help link 2


Hi @Eniko Farkas, I did, my network was too restrictive when I tried. And once I did I wanted to remove the comment, since I saw there were similar comments as well, which I’ve managed to miss somehow when I first went through the discussion 😅 Thanks for asking 


I cant find the raw data for IFSDB data set i.e. where is the data for the maintenance events or the timeseries? I only loaded assets.csv file and that was for asset hierarchy. 




For the Data points step “Transform RAW to Data points” I received the error “Query returned no results. The query is syntactically correct, but returned 0 rows of data.” 

It seems the query does not filter for dataSetId and returns no matches. I changed the query to solve the issue on my end, here are the changes: 

  concat('FirstnameBirthyear:',dp.sensor) AS externalId,
  cast(time_stamp/1000 as timestamp) AS timestamp,
  cast(value AS double)
FROM IFSDB.values AS dp
JOIN _cdf.timeseries AS ts 
ON CONCAT('FirstnameBirthyear:', dp.sensor) = ts.externalId
AND ts.dataSetId = '1234567890'

Hi @Aleksander Poverud 

Did you try to run it without the data set part? Since datapoints is such a big amount of data it is not always ideal to ‘preview’ datapoints. But for the preview part, your additional line of code is doing the trick!

I’m having issue with Build and Consume Fundamentals course, I have competed all modules but the status is registered. I cannot move to the Assessment

Hi @Aisyah Sade , you are now enrolled in the assessment.

Hi I’m getting the following error: Cannot resolve 'Matt1996' given input columns:


Followed by a much longer error message. I’ve followed the instructions as stated, but I’m still getting an error. Any ideas?


concat('Matt1996:',loc) as externalId,
IF(parent_loc='' OR parent_loc IS NULL, '', concat('Matt1996:',parent_loc)) AS parentExternalId,

CAST(lastUpdatedTime AS STRING) AS name,

to_metadata(*) AS metadata,

description AS description,

Matt1996-AvevaNet AS dataSetId
FROM `Matt1996`.assets



I realized my mistake, I need to replace Matt1996-AvevaNet with my dataset ID that was recorded earlier. Problem solved :)


For the Data points step “Transform RAW to Data points” I received the error “Query returned no results. The query is syntactically correct, but returned 0 rows of data.” 

It seems the query does not filter for dataSetId and returns no matches. I changed the query to solve the issue on my end, here are the changes: 

  concat('FirstnameBirthyear:',dp.sensor) AS externalId,
  cast(time_stamp/1000 as timestamp) AS timestamp,
  cast(value AS double)
FROM IFSDB.values AS dp
JOIN _cdf.timeseries AS ts 
ON CONCAT('FirstnameBirthyear:', dp.sensor) = ts.externalId
AND ts.dataSetId = '1234567890'

Hey @Aleksander Poverud, I figured out that the trick is adding AND ts.dataSetId = '1234567890' at the end

here is the full query:


concat('FirstnameBirthyear:', dp.sensor) AS externalId,
cast(time_stamp / 1000 as timestamp) AS timestamp,
cast(value AS double)
IFSDB.values AS dp,
--selecting from _cdf.timeseries means we select from the timeseries we ingested to CDF earlier. We do this to make sure all the time series we try to add data points to actually exist
_cdf.timeseries AS ts
concat('FirstnameBirthyear:', dp.sensor) = ts.externalId
and ts.dataSetId = '1234567890'


Hello All,

I was going through the training yesterday and got all the way to the end of Working with CDF: Contextualize and the system got stuck trying to create the interactive PID. Fast forward to this morning and I re-did creating the interactive engineering diagram and it worked.

I then moved on to the next course Working with CDF: Consume and while I was trying to find my timeseries I noticed that my Kyle1995-IFSDB data catalog no longer had any time series associated with it (see below). I then tried to do the data transform for the timeseries data and it tells me that it has updated 12 timeseries but I still cannot find those timeseries in my data catalog anywhere(see below).

I should also note that I did do the optional contextualization exercise of linking the timeseries to assets. I then also ran the contextualization using the entity matchers.

What can I do to get my timeseries data back so that I can continue on with the training?



Hello All,

I was going through the training yesterday and got all the way to the end of Working with CDF: Contextualize and the system got stuck trying to create the interactive PID. Fast forward to this morning and I re-did creating the interactive engineering diagram and it worked.

I then moved on to the next course Working with CDF: Consume and while I was trying to find my timeseries I noticed that my Kyle1995-IFSDB data catalog no longer had any time series associated with it (see below). I then tried to do the data transform for the timeseries data and it tells me that it has updated 12 timeseries but I still cannot find those timeseries in my data catalog anywhere(see below).

I should also note that I did do the optional contextualization exercise of linking the timeseries to assets. I then also ran the contextualization using the entity matchers.

What can I do to get my timeseries data back so that I can continue on with the training?



The only was able to get the timeseries to show in my data catalog again was to delete the FirstnameBirthyear-Timeseries Data Transformation and re-do it.


I also found a bug in the Contextualize > Match resources to assets > Quick Match page where it doesn’t show the entities that have been found (see below in red) despite there being results (see below in cyan).


This issue also seems to result in not being able to create additional fields when configuring the model, I guess due to the fact that the system doesn’t seem to think that anything was found in the timeseries step (see below in red).

That being said it still appears to run based on what is actually in the system and not what the GUI is showing.


Hi @DE KOCK Kyle ! Thanks for your feedback! When I try to take a look at the data, I find your data sets as archived. Did you do this after you tried the matching? Some of the search fields filter away archived data sets. 

I see that you have the assets, time series and events data. Your time series data is also contextualized to the relating assets. Did you manage with the Match resources? Or is this contextualization from using transformations?

Hi @Sofie Haug,

I archived all of my data as I was able to complete the course and do the test after I deleted and recreated my timeseries as mentioned at the beginning of my post. Once that was complete I was able to perform the contextualization with Quick Match but as I show in my post there were some problems with the GUI not showing the entities that match the search parameters of the quick match (this was while my data was not archived). Interestingly enough this was only the case with the 12 timeseries and not the 36 assets.

Another thing I should also mention is that, I was unable to find any data in the graphs after I recreated the Timeseries transformation regardless of the time range (I know the course mentions November 2020 - 2021). This was also while my data was not archived.

Hi again @DE KOCK Kyle 


Thank for your reply! 
Good to hear that you finished! I will give the feedback to the teams responsible for the tools you mention!

Thank you! 

