CDF Fundamentals Discussion

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Welcome to the CDF Fundamentals Discussion!

This discussion is dedicated to help learners of the Cognite Data Fusion Fundamentals learning path succeed. If you’re struggling with the exercises in this learning path, try the tips & tricks below or post a comment with the challenge you’re facing. You can also post your own tips and respond to fellow learners’ questions. Cognite Academy’s instructors are also here to help.



115 replies


Some tips:

  1. turn off blockers in your browsers (if you have any)
  2. “network issue”… yess, the system is overloaded … refresh & try again, and again ;-)
  3. you see “selected recipe is invalid...” message? Your preview failed (98% network issue). Try again, or just go ahead.
  4. “failed to lock this transform” message? probably the transform is finished (check the dataset) if not, run it again. [yes, the same network/overload issue]


Userlevel 3
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Hi @Akshit Joshi! I took a close look at the raw table and transformation and I found out that someone has tempered with the maintenance table in RAW. @Dirk Ackerman  and @Terry Gansen fix, helped a little bit. But now the table is back to the original condition and all of you should be able to create all the events.




I realized my mistake, I need to replace Matt1996-AvevaNet with my dataset ID that was recorded earlier. Problem solved :)

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Hi again @Ikechi Vera Maduako,

There was missing a colon (:) in your query. I just fixed, and run your transformation successfully. 

Best regards,

@rahul331 for some reason it is working now for me! I think this has been just fixed! Thank you though :) 



For the Data points step “Transform RAW to Data points” I received the error “Query returned no results. The query is syntactically correct, but returned 0 rows of data.” 

It seems the query does not filter for dataSetId and returns no matches. I changed the query to solve the issue on my end, here are the changes: 

  concat('FirstnameBirthyear:',dp.sensor) AS externalId,
  cast(time_stamp/1000 as timestamp) AS timestamp,
  cast(value AS double)
FROM IFSDB.values AS dp
JOIN _cdf.timeseries AS ts 
ON CONCAT('FirstnameBirthyear:', dp.sensor) = ts.externalId
AND ts.dataSetId = '1234567890'

Userlevel 4

Hi @Aisyah Sade , you are now enrolled in the assessment.

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Hi @Anindya Ray

If you would like to follow the naming convention as instructed in the course, the database name should be FirstnameBirthyear and the table name just assets. 

If you can please redo this lesson with database name as Ray1968 and table name as assets, then the SQL code you entered should work. 

Please let me know if it works! 

Best regards,


Hi @Madina Kholmatova ,

Many thanks for writing back. 

I will redo this lesson as you have suggested with:

Database: Ray1968

Table: assets

Should I leave the earlier created 

Database: Rayassets

Data Table: Rayassets1968

as it is or delete it.


Let me know please.


Anindya Ray 


Hi @Madina Kholmatova and CDF Academy Instructors,

I am glad to have completed this (CDF Fundamentals) course.

Thank you very much for your very prompt and able support thru out this course. 

Kind regards,

Anindya Ray


I´m having trouble finding my data set in the “Select Entities” tab during the “Match Entities” module. I have already created a new IFSDB data set, but I can´t find either of them in the search.


Userlevel 3
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Hi @Salma Ghafoor 

It seems to be due to the configuration of the transformation. The Target resource type needs to be “Asset Hierarchy” instead of “Assets”. The Assets target resource type does not recognize the parent external id attribute. 
You can change it from the transformations UI by clicking on the dropdown next to “Create or Update Assets”

See the pictures below. 




Thanks Sofie! That did the trick

Userlevel 3

Hi @Naveen V, thank you for reporting. I’ve informed engineering of your details as well. We’ll keep you updated on the progress. 

Userlevel 4
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Hi @Alejandro M. Toledano

I am sorry that you are experiencing this issue. I have also tried from end and it seems there is an issue in the backend in this training project. I will create a ticket, and our Cognite support team will reach out to you! 

Best regards, 



Yet again, I fix my own problem!

I close the browser and re-sign in and my dataset magically appears :)

Userlevel 4

Thank you for sharing your solutions with the community, @Hannah Håland. This is incredibly valuable for other learners of Cognite Academy. Good luck with gaining your CDF Fundamentals certificate!

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Hi @Bjarte Håtveit 

I experienced the same myself this morning and I will have to talk to the engineering team about it. 




I’m having issues with Transformation of the Raw data provided.  Running SQL Script:

concat('Brad1971:',loc) as externalId,
IF(parent_loc='' OR parent_loc IS NULL, '', concat('Brad1971:',parent_loc)) AS parentExternalId,

CAST(lastUpdatedTime AS STRING) AS name,

to_metadata(*) AS metadata,

description AS description,

2147974692941503 AS dataSetId
FROM `Brad1971`.assets`

Is successful preview, but when I execute the query with 


It gives an error:



I’ve tried it multiple times and deleted table (starting over) and cleared Raw table to start over as well as Target Table.  No Luck.  In reviewing the Raw Data Table, I don’t see is missing or bad ID.  i could trace the parentID’s all the way up the tree.  Please advise.

Sorry...I had selected Asset and not Asset Hierarchy….all good.


Userlevel 3
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Thank you so much @Dirk Ackerman  and @Terry Gansen for notifying us, and even finding a solution for it! The course is updated! :D 




Hi, I’m in the CDF-fundamentals last course “Working with CDF: Consume” but when I click on “+ New chart” I get a “busy” screen that goes on endlessly.  

Is there something wrong with this?  Have tried different browser types (MS Edge, Chrome), refreshed/reloaded page, removed pop-up blockers, anything I’ve come across in the tip notes but nothing seems to be working.
When I back out “← All charts” it seems the new chart has been created, but when I click the preview icon
I get the same busy screen again.

My data is all starting with Daniel1969.  Thanks for checking.

Best Regards,


Userlevel 4
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Hi @Mahmoud Shihab,

Thank you for reaching out regarding the issue! I will investigate it and get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,


Hello, I’m working on the lesson Working with CDF: Consume.  I am having issues with loading the charts section.  Endless loop of failed to load.  Any tips?  Here is a screenshot of what I am seeing.  Thanks



Userlevel 4
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No worries at all! We are happy that you could proceed with the SQL option and congratulations on your completion. 

Yes, please let us know if you experience the issue again whenever you have time to try it out. 

Best regards,

Userlevel 4
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Hi @Deepali Gupta

I am sorry that you are experiencing this issue. Please don't delete your Deepali1996-IFSDB yet, in the meanwhile, you can  create & build another dataset (with a different name). I will try to investigate the issue and get back to you as soon as possible. 

​​​​​​@Mahmoud Shihab, thank you very much for the help!

Best regards,
