Geospatial support in FDM?

Related products: Data Modeling

Is there any plans to support geospatial queries in FDM? If so, would it be possible to share tentative timeline?


Related to this is schema definition of coordinates.. Given a long pipeline with high resolution geography - I assume there is a tradeoff between storage optimization, geospatial query capability and managing (reducing) number of FDM instances.

We have geolocation and geometry as Data Modeling “system types” in the backlog for the delivery team. 

It has been requested for delivery in Q3 (this quarter), but am still looking for a team commitment on that deliverable, so it’s not a guaranteed thing!

Hi @plheide, I’ll change this into a feature request, then you’ll be able to follow the progress as well. 

NewPlanned for development

What is the state of geospatial support in FDM? Since Q3 2023 has come and gone, I am super curious 🤓

Cognite recently run a 4-week project (Dec-Jan 2024) with typical ocean geospatial data (Emodnet Human Activities as a datasource), so that should be a relevant demonstrator for simple and more advanced geospatial capabilities.

No change in the status, unfortunately @thomafred. We’ve had to prioritize other capabilities. Uncertain whether or not we’ll be able to expose geolocation and geometry types this ½ year, but it’s on the list (but “under the line” so far).