I’ve a problem with filling a gap from a source to a timeseries in CDF.
Problem description
We’re filling a hole in a time-series from time A to B. There are some datapoints on the edges of the interval in CDF.
Data is extracted from the source, and in python prepped for the datapoints API as a list-of-tuples payload. For an arbitrary period I extract 2976 datapoints which I upload to CDF. Subsequently, I query the time-series for the same period of time and recieve 2928 datapoints. There are no NAN values in the input for either the date-time or value. The data is also hourly, and so I’m wary of it just being an edge effect of poor timestamp specifications for the retrieval. What other PEBCAK things have I missed?
Simplified example included below:
>> [{'externalId': 'ts_externalid', 'datapoints': [...]}]
>> (1617271200000, 0.0)
meter_data = client.datapoints.retrieve(
start=dates[0], end=dates[-1], external_id="ts_externalid"
>> (2928, 1)
>> 2976