I have a transformation that is to write to a new dataset as seen here:
concat('CWS:',loc) as externalId,
IF(parent_loc='' OR parent_loc IS NULL, '', concat('CWS:',parent_loc)) AS parentExternalId,
CAST(lastUpdatedTime AS STRING) AS name,
to_metadata(*) AS metadata,
description AS description,
7089382776719091 AS dataSetId
FROM `CWS-Assets-DB`.`CWS-Assets-Tbl`
The Preview seems to work fine.
When RUN: I get following error:
Request with id 96f4a082-9dde-9b41-8065-0b3cf0923197 to https://az-eastus-1.cognitedata.com/api/v1/projects/ra-istc-sandbox/assets/byids failed with status 403: Resource not found. This may also be due to insufficient access rights..
The permissions on the dataset for my user group is
Any ideas are appreciated.