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Release 1.25 is out, and it includes a few new features and several bug fixes!

New features:

Multiple isolation list statuses

You can now add multiple isolation list statuses in Workspaces. If this has been configured for your company’s tenant, the statuses appear when you click Examine. Scroll to see and select the relevant status to apply. If this has not been configured for your tenant yet, please contact us.

Download and import Workspaces

We have enabled downloading and importing backups of workspaces in json format. This allows a new way of sharing workspaces with your colleagues and introduces an extra precaution that work is not lost.

Bug fixes

The following fixes have been implemented:

  • The order of columns in Excel when exporting is now correct and consistent
  • The Remove work order button is no longer shown in Day by Day tab
  • Stamp preview is center aligned
  • The Share with dropdown now shows all users
  • The correct message is now displayed when creating a Custom List

Behind the scenes

We have launched a new user satisfaction survey that we have shared with our users. The feedback from this survey will greatly help us understand the baseline usability of the application from our end users’ perspective. This 2-minute or less survey will be used to calculate an overall usability score (called a System Usability Scale (SuS)) for the application.

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