The current selection of the target data model when creating in a transformation is sort of a lazy load:

Only these three data models are available when dropping down. There are dozens of data models in the project
However, as the project grows, the loading of the data models can take too long, since it’s very possible to exist dozens of data models, and it loads the data models one by one. Also if you close the pop up it will start over.
I suspect this is because it’s fetching all the information about the data models - all versions and views available - to fill the other options in other fields. And that could be too much to load all at once.
The proposal is to fetch all data models at once, but only their names. And then once the data model is selected, fetch the rest of the information from that data model only.
This way we can have a more responsive UI when selecting these and reducing the amount of unecessary data we are fetching.