When the data is in CDF RAW then we can use is_new function with lastUpdatedTime in transformation and this works fine but how can we use that function for data coming from FDM model.
Let’s say, from CDF RAW we are populating the data in FDM domain model and we are considering only incremental data with is_new function in transformations.
This is the domain model (space: dm):
type Entity @view(space: "dm", version: "1"){
This is transformation query to populate above Entity type:
distinct concat('wellbore:',WellUWI) as externalId,
WellName as name,
where is_new(
This is good and we can see only incremental data from CDF RAW in the domain model.
Now this is the solution model (sol_model):
This is transformation query to populate above WELLBORE type ( I can directly map the name of WELLBORE of solution model to ENTITY of domain model but for this example I am ignoring it to understand is_new() function):
entity_table.externalId as externalId,
entity_table.name as name
cdf_nodes('dm','Entity','1') as entity_table
where is_new(
Here, I can’t use lastUpdatedTime because even though it is internal attribute of Entity type, it is not possible to get it in the result of cdf_nodes . The cdf_nodes doesn’t give us internal attributes.
How can we make sure, the solution model transformations only consider the incremental data coming from domain model? Am I missing anything here?