Feature request - graphql filter support for timeseries type in FDM

Related products: Data Modeling

Hi Team!

Right now graphql support for fetching FDM Data doesn't offer any filters for type "TimeSeries". Since Timeseries type usually has a lot of datapoints associated with it in any given model, fetching data through graphql api from it without any filter is extremely time consuming , especaially when you dont need all datapoints/timeseries from it. For example, right now when we want to fetch information only for non string timeseries, there is no way other than fetching all Timeseries associated and remove the ones that has "isString" property as false which slows down some parts of our appplication.

So if we can get graphql filter support for timeseries type, we will be able to optimise things in our side.

Thanks & Regards,
Sangavi M

Hi @Sangavi M, and thanks for this insight!


So you’re looking for a way to limit the returned data point payload (using a filter) in the GraphQL interface?

Any particular filter(ing) you’re looking for? Data point value range? Time range? 

Or are we talking about filtering on the properties of the time series itself?

Hi @Thomas Sjølshagen ,

Thanks for the reply. Im loooking to filter based on IsString property of timeseries for my particular use case.

Hi Sangavi,

Edit: Last response was probably wrong.

Currently, if you need to work with time series extensively, consider the time series REST API, either directly (https://developer.cognite.com/api/#tag/Time-series/operation/listTimeSeries) or via an SDK such as the Python SDK - https://cognite-sdk-python.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/core_data_model.html#list-time-series



Hi @Sangavi M hope you’re doing well. I wanted to check to see if the responses from @Thomas Sjølshagen and @AndersM were helpful in addressing your needs? If you have any further questions or needs do let us know 🚀

Hi again,

We have ongoing development work on improving the representation of time series data in data modeling, While I cannot yet commit to a release date for this I believe we will have an improvement that may fill in some of the described requirements in an upcoming CDF release. Don’t hold your breath just yet, though, if you need this urgently then using the existing time series API is the recommended workaround.



Gathering InterestPlanned for development

 @Sangavi M happy to announce this work has been prioritized and that our team is currently in the scoping and design phase. Thanks for sharing your idea!