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Monitoring of Cognite Functions

Related products:Functions
  • February 17, 2023
  • 6 replies
  • Gaetan Helness
  • Satoshi Yamada
  • Irie

Enable monitoring of Cognite Functions, like extraction pipelines and transformations, being able to alert on failure by sending an email

6 replies

Knut Vidvei
Seasoned Practitioner
  • Seasoned Practitioner
  • 132 replies
  • February 20, 2023

Hi, @Gaetan Helness 

Thank you for this feature request. This makes a lot of sense, and would like to get input from anyone else and their thoughts on this topic! Leaving it here to gather interest.


Best regards, Knut Vidvei

Knut Vidvei
Seasoned Practitioner
  • Seasoned Practitioner
  • 132 replies
  • February 20, 2023
NewGathering Interest

  • Director Site Reliability Cognite
  • 6 replies
  • October 26, 2023

The error message from the failing function should be copied to the email.  
I would like to see the content present in both the “log” and the “response” when a function fails.

If it is not too cumbersome, it would also be good to know if the functon has failed x times in a row.   I frequently use functions that runs several times per day in order to provide redundancy.  If the function start failing several times in a row, actions ar needed, while if it fails only now and then, the next run or previous run takes care of the work that failed this time.

Priyanka Perera
  • This is a much needed capability to have the support teams alerted when the functions failed. This is also useful during the solution development stage as well so that DE\DS can easily be alerted when their functions fail.
  • Alternatively the functions may implement their own alerting logic to use sendgrid and notify but this is redundant and additional work.
  • Soon, SLB might request this as well as there were some discussions having alerting on Cognite functions.
  • This might become a mandatory capability when more and more partner support teams are managing customer solutions.


I see that this request/idea is a year old, but is this implemented? We have a couple of functions which runs 1 time each day that have failed for no obvious reasons, and would very much have monitoring on these functions to be able to correct them

Jørgen Lund
Seasoned Practitioner
  • Product Manager
  • 113 replies
  • February 12, 2025

Hi ​@Espen Ulset Nordsveen. This has not been implemented. We’re working on notifications for data workflows, which can orchestrate Functions, so you’ll soon be able to montior Functions that are being called as part of a workflow. How well would this support your use cases?

We’ll evaluate supporting notifications for independent functions as well, but data workflows is being prioritized.


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