Cognite Charts: Feature to mark Milestones or add comments to Chart

Related products: Charts

Following up from a separate thread (Cognite Charts: y-axis Spacing and Labeling), adding the capability to place timestamped milestones (e.g. when an event started, when a remediation test started, etc) would add value.  I sometimes need to display a time series only to mark an event (e.g. when a valve was opened, when a specific chemical injection start/ends, etc), and this leads to many times series being displayed at once (see example below). If milestones could be marked on the chart, that would be really useful. Maybe it could be added as some sort of custom time series (similar to how to “Add Calculation”) fixed to a specific timestamp and could appear as a vertical line with some marker at the top - this is just me thinking out loud.





Hi, Richard!

Thank you for an excellent idea. We will take this into our discovery and reach out when we have something concrete. 

FYI @Magdalena Rut 

Best regards, Knut

NewGathering Interest

A first version of this is now available. We have now added the ability to create markers on certain time stamps in Charts with annotations being a small improvement that will be worked on in the months to come on.