Executing transform from Raw/Staging to Dataset Events.
cast(`uniqueid` as BIGINT) as id,
cast(`Start Time` as TIMESTAMP) as startTime,
cast(`End Time` as TIMESTAMP) as endTime,
1626362640169782 as dataSetId,
concat("Chem-Batch", "-", Unit, "-", `Batch ID`) as description,
'Process' as type,
'Batch' as subtype
where `Start Time` > '2023-06-13'
Preview shows expected 3 row results:

Run yields this error:
Request with id 90f5d941-7f0e-9553-9ca5-317d784434d1 to https://az-eastus-1.cognitedata.com/api/v1/projects/ra-istc-sandbox/events/update failed with status 400: Event id not found. Missing ids: [48, 49].

It seems all columns data in Raw rows has appropriate data.
Any ideas are welcome.