CDF - Filter option is not working as expected under common filters at Data Explorer screen.
Login to CDF
Click on Data Explorer tab in CDF menu bar.
Click on Files tab in right side of the panel.
Set Data set as 'src:006:documentum:b60:ds under Common filters in left side of the screen.
Select the check box ‘Before’ under common filters in left side of the penal.
Click on the Calendar icon and set data as (e.g.) '10-01-2023'
Expected results: Document ‘Amarjeet_Test_DT.docx’ should not display in results window because its created after the set date.
Actual results: Document Amarjeet_Test_DT.docx is displaying in CDF
Note Issue exists for all Date filters like Created time, updated time with Before, After, During in CDF, user want to know what date is used for filtering the documents in CDF with these filters.