Here are some issues we are facing with TimeSeriesUploadQueue after migrating to lastest version :
- Unable to upload rows, though it says it has been uploaded in latest version
It says uploader uploaded x datapoints even though it doesnt (checked in ui and through api) , and uploaded rows is None even though there are datapoints to upload. Same code works fine in version 6.

This is our post upload function:

- Wrong date range is uploaded in version 7. (happens on a random basis)
The target timeseries didnt exist before we run the extractor. The date range we were trying to upload in the first batch is October 25, 2022 11:38:38.553 PM - December 27, 2022 11:03:47.055 AM and in the second batch is December 27, 2022 7:03:47.055 PM to January 1, 2023 11:03:47.055 AM( all GMT times)

Both batch's upload failed according to sdk (error during callback, rows is NoneType), but somehow 50 datapoints in a completely different date range is written as observed through cognite ui and through sdk

- We also face below error every now and then on random basis, and other times it works fine on its own without any changes.