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Acquiring an access token without user interaction


User sessions are managed via your IDP. Access token lifetime can vary from 60 to 90 minutes.

So once the session expires, the user would normally have to sign-in again.


How to overcome this?

With the OIDC workflow, it is possible to retrieve a new access token without prompting the user to provide credentials again. This is done by finding a valid access token from cache or by finding a valid refresh token from cache and then automatically use it to redeem a new access token.


The diagram below shows the normal OIDC workflow:


Below you can find a sample code snippet which uses the acquire_token_silent method available through the class: msal.PublicClientApplication:

def authenticate_azure(app):

    accounts = app.get_accounts()
    if accounts:
        print("Taking the token silently")
        creds = app.acquire_token_silent(SCOPES, account=accounts[0])

        print("Taking token interactively")
        creds = app.acquire_token_interactive(scopes=SCOPES, port=PORT)

    return creds

You can find the full code sample below, which uses both the acquire_token_interactive and acquire_token_silent methods:

import atexit
import os
import asyncio

from cognite.client import CogniteClient,ClientConfig 
from cognite.client.credentials import Token
from msal import PublicClientApplication, SerializableTokenCache
from cognite.client.data_classes import ExtractionPipeline

TENANT_ID = "<tenant_id>" 
CLIENT_ID = "<client_id>"
CDF_CLUSTER = "<cluster>"  // Ex: api, westeurope-1 etc
COGNITE_PROJECT = "<Your_Project>" 

CACHE_FILENAME = "cache.bin"
BASE_URL = f"https://{CDF_CLUSTER}"
SCOPES = [f"https://{CDF_CLUSTER}"]

PORT = 3000
app = PublicClientApplication(client_id=CLIENT_ID, authority=AUTHORITY_URI)

def create_cache():
    cache = SerializableTokenCache()
    if os.path.exists(CACHE_FILENAME):
        cache.deserialize(open(CACHE_FILENAME, "r").read())
        open(CACHE_FILENAME, "w").write(cache.serialize()) if cache.has_state_changed else None
    return cache

def authenticate_azure(app):

    accounts = app.get_accounts()
    if accounts:
        print("Taking the token silently")
        creds = app.acquire_token_silent(SCOPES, account=accounts[0])

        print("Taking token interactively")
        creds = app.acquire_token_interactive(scopes=SCOPES, port=PORT)

    return creds

app = PublicClientApplication(client_id=CLIENT_ID, authority=AUTHORITY_URI, token_cache=create_cache())

def get_token():
    return authenticate_azure(app)["access_token"]

cnf = ClientConfig(client_name="my-special-client", project=COGNITE_PROJECT, credentials=Token(get_token), base_url=BASE_URL)
client = CogniteClient(cnf)



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