Do you know what courses are available for you to explore the data from the Open Industrial Data project?
Cognite Academy creates e-learning courses with an emphasis on providing hands-on experiences so you can learn to use Cognite Data Fusion through interacting with real industrial data. In most of our courses, the training data we use comes from the Open Industrial Data (OID) project, a live stream of industrial data from the Valhall oil platform. While the data is from the oil and gas industry, it is relevant for all asset-heavy industries as it provides insights into dynamic industrial processes. In this article, I will share a series of CDF & Power BI courses where you can explore the Open Industrial Data and solve a simple use case in Power BI:
Introduction to CDF & Power BI
In this course, you will connect Power BI to CDF, and retrieve the Open Industrial Data to learn how filtering and aggregation work with the connector in Power BI.
CDF & Power BI: Solving a Use Case
Imagine you’re a process engineer on the 1st Stage Compressor on the Valhall oil platform. You oversee the operations of the compressor. For your next task, you are analyzing the compressor efficiency, so you want to know what the ratio of Gas output to Energy input is. Your data is already in CDF, in the Open Industrial Data project, so you will solve this use case in a few steps.
CDF & Power BI: Reports and Dashboards
Once you solve the use case and create a report, you will publish that report from Power BI Desktop to the Power BI service and schedule the dataset to refresh.
Check out our course catalog to find more courses to explore the live industrial data!