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Difference between Node/ Edge and View/Connection Properties

  • 24 July 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone, I am wondering if someone can help explain the difference between Node/Edge and View/Connection Properties. I am extremely confused on these concpts as I read through the CDF data modelling tutorial.

My current perspective is that Node/Edge and the knowledge graph defined by Nodes and Edges is the most “vanilla” version. Where as a Data Model made up of Views and Connection Properties is a similar construct but based on a specific perspective. The analogy between a View and Node in a relational DB sense will be a table and a view.

Is my understanding correct? If so, I am wondering what is the actual need of Node/Edge given there is already Containers that perform the data storage like a SQL table would do? It seems to me that View, Connection Properties and Data Models are sufficient enough to produce any type of sementic model?

Hi @Kai Kang ,



Containers act as the fundamental storage units for your data, much like tables in a SQL database. They hold raw data and form the base on which nodes, edges properties are built. Container can be used to populate properties on nodes and/or edges.


Nodes and Edges:

Nodes: Represent entities or objects in your data model, similar to records in a database table. It represents a real-world entity like a pump, sensor, pipeline segment, or any other relevant object in your industrial context. Think of it as a single record in a database table.

Edges and Direct relations represent relationships between nodes, establishing connections between different entities. (Direct relations are akin to foreign keys in a relational database)

Combining Containers with Nodes and Edges, CDF offers a strong framework for both data storage and defining complex relationships, catering to diverse data modeling and querying needs.

Instance: This is a broader term encompassing both nodes and edges. It essentially refers to any element within the knowledge graph.


Views and Connection Properties:

Views: Provide specific perspectives or interpretations of the data. They are virtual representations that focus on a subset of the data for particular use cases or analysis, similar to SQL views in a relational database.

Connection Properties: Define how different views relate and interact with each other, specifying how data in one view is connected to data in another.


In summary, Views and Connection Properties allow you to create tailored perspectives and interpretations of the data without altering the physical data itself. Nodes and Edges, on the other hand, serve as the building blocks for modeling complex relationships and networks within the data. While nodes and edges focus on the underlying structure and relationships, views and connection properties focus on presenting and interpreting that data effectively.


Let me know if this clarifies things!

Hi @Kai Kang 

If you haven't taken it yet, I highly recommend that you take the Cognite Data Modeling 4-hour training available at Cognite Academy. The training material explains in detail how to craft schemas in CDF.

Happy studying!

Best regards,
