Hi Team,
We had recently deployed both InField and Maintain for an internal slb team that is showcasing these apps to other customers.
The issue that is being faced is that the work orders/activities being generated and planned in Maintain must be executed via tasks under Checklists in InField - this is the complete lifecycle of a work order/activity that is being expected.
As mentioned by
We found below issues while troubleshooting:
- Currently, InField and Maintain use different instance space - For InField, this space is created via the Cognite toolkit whereas for Maintain we use APM_SourceData.
Also, since we have two separate configurations for these apps in the APM_Config data model, this is not being achieved.
Question is: How do we ensure cohesion between these two apps to achieve the above? Currently it seems the apps are in silos.
Steps followed:
a. Open Maintain with InField’s configuration and create a new activity.
b. It is expected that this work order is now visible in InField - We were unable to create an activity from UI in Maintain’s current version - seems a bug in the current build
- We found that start date is not a mandatory field in Maintain Activity creation - Start date should be mandatory as InField’s work order filters work orders in the Overview section.
While troubleshooting we added this one manually in the instance created in Activity view - We were finally able to see the work order created in Maintain (with InField’s config selected) in InField when we updated source property of the Activity instance from APP to SAP - Seems InField only shows work orders that are SAP or not APP.
- Another bug while performing this flow in Maintain was that the test plan was selecting the entire Activity even though it was not selected. Ideally, only the activity selected should be associated to a plan. If nothing is selected, it should not allow you to proceed.