Cognite Data Fusion: I want to maintain versions of my data-products in CDF.

Related products: Data Modeling

As a developer/architect, I want to version my datasources in CDF, so that we can manage compatability between datasources (fusion layer) and compatability internally in the datasource.


This request pertains to two related challenges in CDF:
a) A versioned datamodel allows a concept of a rollback of the datamodel (by enabling a concept of breaking changes inside/between datasources). It also allows for an unambiguous recovery of a tenant/project where dependencies  in datasources/resources are explicitly declared.

b) A versioned datamodel will detect breaking changes in the datasource, and allow the maintainer to reason about blocking a version (in case of an error), incrementing a breaking major version, etc.


This feature request has medium priority in from the Statnett data modelling team.


Updated idea statusNewGathering Interest


Thank you for summarizing the insight. We’ve captured similar insights and will add this in our Productboard for processing in the context of our Flexible Data Modeling initiative.

Dear Robert,

It would be great if we discussed the intricacies of the model versioning here a bit more. In general, what is in our roadmap for 2023 and beyond is the ability of users to view older version of data model and its data. Currently, this is in design phase and hoping for opportunities in future for some additional feedback gathering from critical end-users. 

Let us touchbase in the triweekly meeting tomorrow to get those insights locked. Thanks!