Show credentials in transformation run history

Related products: Transformations and RAW

Feature request to show historical credentials of individuals who has run transformation. At Celanese, multiple people are working in the same dev environment. Our transformations are often run by different users and it would be useful to have a log of who has run the transformations at the different times. If an error occurs, it’s easier for us to see who ran the transformation and troubleshoot further.

Hi @Christian Alvim, thanks for sharing. Would the need for the user mainly be to see which runs were started by the user vs. which ones were started by others? Or also to have visibility of which user/client started each job?

Hi @Jørgen Lund. It would be beneficial to have both as it depends on the scenario. If we want to troubleshoot a specific transformation run, then having the user/client that started the job easily available will allow us to know who performed the run, should we schedule a meeting with that individual to better understand what they did, maybe inform these individuals to not work on these transformations as they are owned by others, etc.