Enhance Extraction Pipeline Monitoring View

Related products: Extractors


To provide better view of the current status of the Cognite Extractors, our customer has requested the following UI improvements:

  1. Add a Filter option on the screen beside the Search box; Filter columns must include the Pipeline Last run status,
  2. Provide a toggle to switch between text and icon corresponding to the Last Run field (based on the ExtractionPipelineRun object),
  3. Add a column for the Last run success/failure message (based on the ExtractionPipelineRun object). 




Thank you for your valuable feedback!

We appreciate your effort. Kindly ensure all necessary details are provided. Stay tuned for updates on the progress of your submission. Feel free to reach out if you have any additional information to share.

Thanks for the insight @Diego Antonino! We are planning improvements to the monitoring capabilities across extractors and other data onboarding processes in CDF. They might not come in the exact shape and form outlined in your suggestion, but it is great input that we’ll bring into the work on shaping a better monitoring experience. We might reach out to you for additional input if needed.