The Timeseries Aggregate function for Power BI should have some additional parameters

Related products: API and SDKs

Currently, the Power BI data connector contains a function to return timeseries aggregations and this function takes a source, start and end dates, and a granularity.  It then returns 13 columns of data.  My report only uses 3 of those columns: timestamp, timeseriesId, and Average.  With 3.4 million rows, this is a huge amount of wasted bandwidth and storage.  It also adversely affects the report performance to a small degree.

One possible solution to this would be to add a parameter to TimeseriesAggregate() to indicate which columns of data should be returned.  Not transmitting the data would save network bandwidth, reduce the size of the report, reduce the time required to load data, and improve the end-user experience.

Hei @Glen Accardo thanks again for reaching out regarding this and giving us valuable feedback. I will go ahead and add this to the backlog for us. I would also like to say that at the moment we are on a feature freeze for the powerBI connector due to the team being occupied with monitoring stabilisation within CDF but we should have a more open roadmap in the months to come.

NewGathering Interest

Gathering InterestPlanned for development

Implementing this feature would be highly beneficial. If the native query into CDF would allow excluding unwanted columns completely from the downloaded dataset, it would reduce the downloaded data amounts greatly in most cases. It’s very typical to only need two or three columns from the query with the rest just being unnecessary fill that will get cut off in Power Query anyway.