In our tooling for the power-analyst we make computations using the SyntheticTimeseries API. Results from these are used in subsequent analysis, where we have identified a problem for us.
When a synthetic timeseries is computed with a specified aggregate and resolution, that specification is returned irrespective of there being data on the originating timeseries. In our case, we compute aggregates over long stretches of time which results in situations like the image below:
In the figure, the opaque line is the comptued by addition of the two other signals. Spanning over roughly a year, the period in the middle has a linear rise in the SyntheticTimeseries while the originals are empty. These values are of course meaningless and should be omitted in the successive steps of the analysis.
Have you considered implementing a density filter or the like for these types of situations? Or, do you believe this is best solved client side by identifying the holes prior to a set of SyntheticTimeseries queries?