We are using the online version of the Jupyter notebook from CDF portal for a client project - DEV and able to get the clientconfig/ client object and create and retrieve assets, run transformations, create datasets etc.
Client IT team has created an app and registered in Azure and also shared the tenant ID, Client ID / name and secrets as well. When we use these parameters shared for this app and run the same code locally in a notebook, it is not able to perform certain tasks (such as data set creation etc.).
Basically, the online version has all the IAM groups as {data engineer, data scientist Data Analyst, OIDC-Admin.}
But when we set the configuration parameters client-ID, Tenant and secrets etc., we don't get the groups entirely as above but only comes as “Data Integration”. This “Data-integration” has limited scope and doesn't allow to create datasets etc.
So how do we understand this part of roles and access management in CDF construct and applications registered in Azure AD?