I’m trying to transform some time-series data (manufacturing pump pressures) into Asset Hierarchy/Numeric Data.
The SQL is not writing to the timestamp column and not seeing errors in Preview.
I’ve tried MANY different SQL commands to convert the DateTimeStamp string column to timestamp column/datatype and none have worked.
CSV files are attached if anyone wants to try it.
Added query in attachments.
Help is greatly appreciated!

Transform setup:

Here is some of my data being edited in Excel and saved as CSV then imported into CDF Raw.
TagID | Tagname | Value | DateTimeStamp |
FCE1-HYD-PMP-3 | FCE1-HYD-PMP-3 | NULL | 3/2/2023 3:41 |
FCE1-HYD-PMP-3 | FCE1-HYD-PMP-3 | 28.54443 | 3/2/2023 5:51 |
FCE1-HYD-PMP-3 | FCE1-HYD-PMP-3 | 35.68053 | 3/2/2023 5:51 |
FCE1-HYD-PMP-3 | FCE1-HYD-PMP-3 | 42.81664 | 3/2/2023 5:51 |
FCE1-HYD-PMP-3 | FCE1-HYD-PMP-3 | 49.95274 | 3/2/2023 5:51 |