I have an AAD with a froup and a source in it. I am trying to configure inso-bootstrap-cli’s yml file (bootstrap-cli-config.yml) to create the CDF group and map the AAD group to it.
This is my yml file:
---bootstrap: features: with-special-groups: false with-raw-capability: true aggregated-level-name: all group-prefix: test dataset-suffix: ds rawdb-suffix: db rawdb-additional-variants: - state idp-cdf-mappings: - cdf-project: myproject mappings: - cdf-group: test:all:FTDM_Users # the objectid below is the correct id of the AAD group idp-source-id: 5b20d90a-648f-4005-89df-da9bc3d122b3 idp-source-name: SWC_DATA_FTDM_Users namespaces: - ns-name: src description: Data sources for the extractor ns-nodes: - node-name: src:001:fteg description: Source 01 Data from datacognite: host: ${BOOTSTRAP_CDF_HOST} project: ${BOOTSTRAP_CDF_PROJECT} idp-authentication: client-id: ${BOOTSTRAP_IDP_CLIENT_ID} secret: ${BOOTSTRAP_IDP_CLIENT_SECRET} scopes: - ${BOOTSTRAP_IDP_SCOPES} token_url: ${BOOTSTRAP_IDP_TOKEN_URL}logger: file: path: ./logs/bootstrap-cli-logs.log level: INFO console: level: INFO
When I run the file using this command it succeeds (no errors)
poetry run bootstrap-cli deploy ~/workspace/myfolder/config/bootstrap/bootstrap-cli-config.yml
However, when I look in CDF, I see a bunch of stuff created (associated with the namespace config and source, but I don’t see the group for the source AAD group
Is there something wrong with this yml file?