Since last week, I have not been able to trigger any transformations via the Playground API.
I am getting :
404 Not found
with response body:
(Yes; a incomplete json)
I noticed also that the API has now been included in API v1. Is maybe this error related to this change?
Related (?):
I can see that when I run a “GET” using the new endpoint, I get the same error ({"code":4). Have you been a bit quick in the implementation and running a GET on the v1 API from the playground API?
I can also mention that it does actually work using the new v1 endpoint, so this will solve the problem. My problem is, off course, that I am currently using the Playground API which is currently failing and I have to replace the logic and test/release it (Taking extra time).
Working Example:
POST {{baseUrl}}/api/v1/projects/{{project}}/transformations/run
The example from Postman is with externalId, so you will have to replace it with “id” for it to work with the TransformationId: