Hii Team,
I'm looking solution for below problem.
Currently we have build our custom model using core data model. we have timeseries available in
cdf.timeseries resource. Now i want to provide timeseries reference in below view using transformation. Can anyone suggest how timeseries concept is worked in core data model using transformation.
type TimeseriesProperty implements Property & CogniteTimeSeries & CogniteDescribable & CogniteSourceable
@view(version: "2_1") {
name: String
source: CogniteSourceSystem
entity: Entity
sourceId: String
sourceContext: String
sourceCreatedTime: Timestamp
sourceUpdatedTime: Timestamp
sourceCreatedUser: String
sourceUpdatedUser: String
isStep: Boolean!
type: CogniteTimeSeries_type
sourceUnit: String
unit: CogniteUnit
assets: [CogniteAsset]
equipment: [CogniteEquipment]
activities: [CogniteActivity]
acquisitionPeriodTimeZone: String
isAggregated: Boolean!
isAggregatedAtSource: Boolean
aggregationMethod: String
isString: Boolean @default(value: "false")
Previous Followed Approach
- We were extracting data using extraction pipeline and populating data in CDF_TIMESERIES
- we are attaching data set to the populated timeseries
- Then populating TimeseriesProeperty view. In this view we were providing externalId of data which is populated in cdf.timeseries.
Looking for solution like how we can do this process using core data model in our custom model.