first of all i created a new environment with below codes.
python -m venv env
pip install poetry
poetry config true
pip install pandas numpy
pip install cognite-sdk
pip install "cognite-sdk[pandas, geo]"
pip install cognite-extractor-manager
once all above code completed. I started running cogex init.
I am getting below error.
cogex init
Enter extractor name: csv extractor
Enter description: desc
Enter author: --I provided the cognite login mail id in name <mail id>
Which template should be loaded?
simple: loads a generic template suitable for most source systems, using
a simple function as the main entrypoint for the extractor.
Most suitable for small and simple extractors.
class: loads a generic template suitable for most source systems, using
a run method on a class as the main entrypoint for the extractor.
Most suitable for slightly bigger and more complicated extractors.
rest: loads a template for extracting from RESTful APIs, using the REST
extension for extractor-utils
Enter template (simple/class/rest) [default: simple]: simple
Fetching gitignore template from GitHub
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Users/QY857BZ/Downloads/Python Enviroments/Extract/.git/
Requirement already satisfied: pip in c:\users\qy857bz\downloads\python enviroments\extract\env\lib\site-packages (24.0)
Collecting pip
Using cached pip-24.1.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (3.6 kB)
Using cached pip-24.1.2-py3-none-any.whl (1.8 MB)
Installing collected packages: pip
Attempting uninstall: pip
Found existing installation: pip 24.0
Uninstalling pip-24.0:
Successfully uninstalled pip-24.0
Successfully installed pip-24.1.2
Using version ^7.2.3 for cognite-extractor-utils
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (3.9s)
Package operations: 21 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing pywin32 (306)
- Installing portalocker (2.10.1)
- Installing azure-core (1.30.2)
- Installing isodate (0.6.1)
- Installing msal-extensions (1.2.0)
- Installing setuptools (70.3.0)
- Installing types-python-dateutil (
- Installing altgraph (0.17.4)
- Installing arrow (1.3.0)
- Installing azure-identity (1.17.1)
- Installing azure-keyvault-secrets (4.8.0)
- Installing dacite (1.8.1)
- Installing decorator (5.1.1)
- Installing orjson (3.10.6)
- Installing pefile (2023.2.7)
- Installing prometheus-client (0.20.0)
- Installing psutil (6.0.0)
- Installing pyinstaller-hooks-contrib (2024.7)
- Installing pyyaml (6.0.1)
- Installing cognite-extractor-utils (7.2.3)
- Installing pyinstaller (6.9.0)
Writing lock file
Using version ^1.10.1 for mypy
Using version ^0.5.2 for ruff
Using version ^3.7.1 for pre-commit
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (0.8s)
Package operations: 7 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing cfgv (3.4.0)
- Installing identify (2.6.0)
- Installing mypy-extensions (1.0.0)
- Installing nodeenv (1.9.1)
- Installing mypy (1.10.1)
- Installing pre-commit (3.7.1)
- Installing ruff (0.5.2)
Writing lock file
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (1.6s)
Installing dependencies from lock file
No dependencies to install or update
Installing the current project: csv_extractor (1.0.0)
An unexpected error has occurred: CalledProcessError: command: ('C:\Users\QY857BZ\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\cmd\git.EXE', '-c', 'core.useBuiltinFSMonitor=false', '-C', 'C:\Users\QY857BZ\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpekei_omx', 'fetch', 'origin', 'HEAD', '--quiet', '--filter=blob:none', '--tags')
return code: 128
stdout: (none)
fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
Check the log at C:\Users\QY857BZ\.cache\pre-commit\pre-commit.log
pre-commit installed at .git\hooks\pre-commit
error: `ruff <path>` has been removed. Use `ruff check <path>` instead.
warning: The top-level linter settings are deprecated in favour of their counterparts in the `lint` section. Please update the following options in `pyproject.toml`:
- 'dummy-variable-rgx' -> 'lint.dummy-variable-rgx'
- 'fixable' -> 'lint.fixable'
- 'ignore' -> 'lint.ignore'
- 'select' -> ''
- 'unfixable' -> 'lint.unfixable'
Please can you all help in fixing the issue