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Planned for development

Ability to Create and Export Lists Using Wildcards

Related products:Search and Data Exploration

We frequently need the capability to produce lists without results from fuzzy logic cluttering the results.  For example, the other day I was looking for an asset number that I did not know, in this case a sump within the CL-VAM hierarchy.  Within SAP, I have the capability to search ‘*sump*’ in the equipment description, and look at all children FLOCs of a unit by searching under “CL-VAM*”.  Would we be able to mirror that capability within CDF.

Andreea Oprea
Seasoned Practitioner

Hi Adam,

Thank you for your request and the examples provided. 
This feature is very needed and we want to bring it to CDF. It’s on our roadmap and the team will start working on it at the beginning of next year. 

Best regards,

Andreea Oprea
Seasoned Practitioner

Just a small clarification from my side. The search doesn’t work only with fuzzy logic, there is prefix search as well, which means that you can search for “CL-VAM*” without adding the “*”. But we are working on making it more intuitive and to show when the results are based on fuzziness and when are based on prefix search. 



Anita Hæhre
Seasoned Practitioner
  • Head of Academy and Community
  • December 20, 2022
NewPlanned for development

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