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Graphql Query Endpoint - Filter issue

  • January 13, 2025
  • 3 replies

We have observed that of late a particular graphl query with filter use to work earlier and its not working now.

Basically below graphql use to work earlier -
query MyQuery {
  listEntity(filter: {name: {in: "abc" ,"" }}) {
    edges {
      node {

But now its breaking with error {
    "error": {
        "code": 400,
        "message": "Invalid in filter with property reference [node, externalId]. Invalid externalId identifier '\"\"'."

Can you help to know when and why this was changed ? This is kind of breaking change for us,

This same thing is observed for /models/instances/query endpoint as well.

3 replies

Mithila Jayalath
Seasoned Practitioner

@Neerajkumar Bhatewara I’ll check with the engineering team whether there was a recent change to cause this issue. I’ll get back to you with an update. 

The example is invalid GraphQL syntax. When reproducing the example we get the expected error message confirming that the syntax is invalid. We haven’t made any recent updates that would change this validation. Can you confirm that this is the correct error message?

Thanks for your reply.

The error that we see with graphql api is 

Current question is different.
Our code for generating the grapql is quite a same from long time. But we started seeing this error offlate. So was there any recent change on this ? may be a couple of months back ?

If no then we will again check what changed at our side and accordingly take necessary action.

Neeraj B


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