I'm working with the time series data for anomaly detections models and I would like to know the units of the sensor data.
I found a master thesis based on the Open Industrial Data and for the variables selected for it; the author specifies the units:

But from the data I downloaded with the SDK the tag VAL_23_KA_9101_M01_62C:Z.X.Value does not have unit:

I looked into the meta data field an the engunits key is empty:
{'P&ID No': None, 'PLC': None, 'PLC tagname': None, 'Sensor type': None, 'Tag group': None, 'Tag type': None, '_replicatedInternalId': '4326942079596138', '_replicatedSource': 'akerbp', '_replicatedTime': '1593024714000', 'archiving': '1', 'compdev': '0', 'compdevpercent': '0', 'compmax': '28800', 'compmin': '0', 'compressing': '1', 'convers': '1', 'descriptor': 'PH 1stStg Comp Mtr Current', 'digitalset': '', 'displaydigits': '-5', 'engunits': '', 'excdev': '0', 'excdevpercent': '0', 'excmax': '600', 'excmin': '0', 'exdesc': '', 'external id': None, 'filtercode': '0', 'future': '0', 'instrumenttag': '23_KA_9101_M01_62C:Z.X.Value', 'location1': '1', 'location2': '0', 'location3': '1', 'location4': '1', 'location5': '0', 'pointid': '160068', 'pointsource': 'VLH_PCN1', 'pointtype': 'Float32', 'ptclassid': '2', 'ptclassname': 'classic', 'ptclassrev': '1', 'recno': '144568', 'scan': '1', 'shutdown': '0', 'sourcetag': '', 'span': '100', 'squareroot': '0', 'srcptid': '0', 'step': '0', 'tag': 'VAL_23_KA_9101_M01_62C:Z.X.Value', 'totalcode': '0', 'type': None, 'typicalvalue': '50', 'userint1': '0', 'userint2': '0', 'userreal1': '0', 'userreal2': '0', 'zero': '0'}
I also notice that the description field seems to indicate that the sensor in measuring current PH 1stStg Comp Mtr Current which should be in Amperes and not Power, as is refered in the thesis.
Finally, I notice that there is a quite similar tag VAL_23-KA-9101-M01-62B:X.Value instead of VAL_23_KA_9101_M01_62C:Z.X.Value which does has units:

Are these two sensor measuring the same variable?
The second case Where I want to know the units is for the motor data. According to one of the infographics, all this sensors are from the motor and gears system:

But unfortunately, none of the units for this sensor is available in the data from SKD

From a question in the old google groups community I got this image that seems to have the units for some of the sensors:

But I don’t know that um means in this context, from the question it seems these sensors measure vibration, for what I have read this variable can measure in: “ units of displacement (peak-to-peak movement in mils or thousands of an inch), units of velocity (zero-to-peak in in./sec), or units of acceleration (zero-to-peak in gs)”