Hi All,
I am trying to update data in RAW table. I am using below code but after executing it either column values are not modified or sometimes all the columns shrink under one columns as ({} columns) and column data is also not updated in that case.
var row = confModel.RawRow as RawRow<Dictionary<string, JsonElement>>;
if (row == null)
var currentDate = DateTime.Now;
var utcDate = currentDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("u").Replace(" ", "T");
row.Columns[UpdatedBy] = GetJsonElement(JsonValue.Create("SYSTEM"));
row.Columns[SimulationStatus] = GetJsonElement(JsonValue.Create(status.ToString()));
row.Columns[UpdatedDate] = GetJsonElement(JsonValue.Create(utcDate));
var rawRowCreateColl = new List<RawRowCreate<RawRow<Dictionary<string, JsonElement>>>>();
var rawRowCreate = new RawRowCreate<RawRow<Dictionary<string, JsonElement>>>();
rawRowCreate.Key = confModel.RowKey;
rawRowCreate.Columns = row;
SdkClient.Raw.CreateRowsAsync(database, table, rawRowCreateColl);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Message}");