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Cognite Data Fusion - March 2020 update

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Transform data in Cognite Console

We're pleased to announce that SQL transformations (formerly known as Jetfire) are now available as an integrated part of Cognite Console.

Directly from your browser, you can use Spark SQL queries to transform data from the CDF staging area, RAW, into the CDF data model where the data can be queried by users and applications.


Coming soon - next level data sets!

Many of you love the current data sets feature in the Cognite Console that lets you manually document metadata for your data sources. Now, we are taking data sets to the next level and making data sets a full-stack integrated solution.

You will be able to explore data by source, document and track data lineage, ensure data integrity, and allow 3rd parties to securely write back their insights to your Cognite Data Fusion (CDF) project.

Data sets group and track data by its source. For example, a data set can contain all work orders originating from SAP.

Data set example

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