I have got postman connected to the publicdata project using the details below:
- tenant-id: 48d5043c-cf70-4c49-881c-c638f5796997
- baseUrl: https://api.cognitedata.com
- project: publicdata
- cluster: api
Auth token:
- callbackUrl: https://postman.cogniteapp.com/loggedin
- authUrl: https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{tenant-id}}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
- clientId: https://postman.cogniteapp.com
- Scope: https://{{cluster}}.cognitedata.com/.default
I sign in with the credentials I used to sign up in the Cognite Academy, which I understand means they are added to the Azure AD for the publicdata project.
I can access some of the api endpoints via Postman so the authentication is working but I get a 403 unauthorised when I try to list all Assets. Am I meant to be able to see the assets in Postman with this setup?
Thanks in advance,