Process Graphics Tab in CDF

Related products: Other

  1. Create a new Tab on CDF home page (in the same line as Home, Data Explorer, Canvas, Charts) called Process Explorer (or any other suitable name).
    1. This should give the users the ability to build process graphics for manufacturing plants.
      1. Standard palette for common unit operations (Columns, vessels, valves, controllers, pumps, heat exchangers etc.)
      2. Ability to embed timeseries associated with Unit Ops in the graphics.
      3. Contextualization of Files, Assets, 3D, 360 etc., with Unit Ops on the graphics.
      4. Ability to spinoff ad-hoc charts by selecting timeseries tags from the built graphics.
        1. Ability to save and share these charts.
      5. Ability to add ad-hoc calculations on the graphics.
      6. Ability to navigate from one graphic to another.
      7. Dynamic color coding of Unit Ops based on conditions. (Example: - Pump ON = Green, Pump Off = Grey)
      8. Ability to group graphics (based on which processing plant it belongs to.)
      9. Ability to share graphics.
      10. Ability to lock graphics for editing per credentials.


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