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Metadata filtering with AND logic metadata in Data Explorer

Related products:Search and Data Exploration
  • Erik Lien Johnsen
  • alfi
  • Kristian Nymoen
  • Truls Ditlefsen
  • Willem Meijer
  • Kamilla
  • Morten Movik

If I try to filter time-series with metadata (left panel in data explorer), there seems to be an “OR” logic. Wich means that if I filter on two metadata key-value pairs, I get results for all time-series that contain one (or both) of the metadata field. This makes it really hard to use metadata fields to narrow down my search in Data Explorer, because more chosen metadata fields means more time-series are shown.

I would want to be able to filter with an “AND” logic, so I could narrow my search down more and more, when I select key-value pairs. For example:

I select:

  • timeSeriesCategory = “ProductionPlan”
  • priceArea = “NO1”

I want to see all results for production-plans for power plants in NO1, not all time-series that are in NO1 and all time series that are production plans.

I don’t think this is possible yet.

I do see why it can also be practical to be able to filter with “OR” logic, in cases where I select multiple values for a single key. For example:

I select:

  • priceArea = “NO1”
  • priceArea = “NO2”

Now I want to see all time series in either NO1 or NO2.

With other words: when selecting multiple values for the same keys I want an “OR” logic, and when selecting mulitple keys, I want an “AND” logic.

3 replies

Sofie Svartdal Berge
Seasoned Practitioner

 Hi @Willem Meijer !

Thank you for reporting this request with great detail, making it quick to grasp what you wish for. 

I fully agree with you. By simplifying the interface having all “metadata” keys in one drop down, we ended up treating all selections within that drop down with the “OR” logic. The logic you propose, to keep “OR” for multiple values for the same keys, while having “AND” logic between key-value pairs makes absolute sense, and I have transitioned this to our developer team for implementation. 

I’ll ping you when we have altered the logic. 


Meanwhile, you will experience that in the new Search experience, the “AND”/”OR” logic works as you expect. Here you will find all filters in the right hand side filter menu, and we have ensured there is “AND” logic between key-value pairs, while you can still select multiple values for the same keys with “OR” logic applied. 

To access and test out the new Search, navigate to the Fusion home page (, then notice the banner above the big search bar - choose “Try it now” for the new Search experience: 


Before opt-in to new Search
After opt-in to new Search

Now when you enter Search, you will find the filters on the right hand side:  


Thank you again!


Sofie, Lead Product Manager

  • Author
  • Committed
  • 3 replies
  • February 20, 2024

Thank you for you response @Sofie Svartdal Berge ! The new Search looks promising, even tough I miss the ability to filter on data-sets. Put that is probably a topic for another time..

Sofie Svartdal Berge
Seasoned Practitioner

Hi again @Willem Meijer ! 

Happy to share that we yesterday released the updated AND/OR logic as per your suggestion. 
See this post for details: 




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