Infield Checklist Task searchbar

Related products: InField

As an operator, I want to filter the tasks on a specific checklist, so it would be easier to find specific tasks in large checklists.


This is a suggestion from Celanese users: being able to search for specific tasks. This will be useful specially for large checklists, that the operator has to go through the unit taking readings. Not always they do these readings in a specific path, they walk around randomly and fill the tasks as they go. Finding the tasks is somehow difficult in those situations, they have to keep scrolling and looking for the reading they are taking at the moment.

Hi Dalvania!

Thank you for suggesting this product idea. We will follow the traction this idea gets in the community. You can expect updates on this post if we decide to include this in our future roadmap, or if we require more information.

- Marius

Hi @dalvaniamp - thank you for reaching out! 

“Search” within a Checklist, which is built to more easily navigate large checklists, is already planned for development and estimate to be available in July. 

