Cognite Infield: Ability to have Asset and Relaionship Match with Timeseries created in Infield

Related products: InField

We need the ability to create a time series tag in Infield but also have the ability to create direct Asset Link and Relationship that gets stored in CDF so that it can be leveraged in other applications.

Hi @ibrahim.alsyed - thanks for reaching out. 

Today, you have the ability to create a Template with a Template Item containing a “Measurement Reading” (Time Series). If the Name of the Template Item matches an Asset tag in Cognite Data Fusion the “Asset Link” will be automatically contextualised, meaning that any other consumer/application of Cognite Data Fusion can leverage that Time Series on the Asset. You can see the docs here:

However, we only support creation of “direct Asset Link” and not “Relationships” today. As you know, we do now support both when it comes to “viewing” Time Series data in InField (based on feedback from your team). 

In the future we can look into supporting the creation of “Relationships” as well, but I will need to understand a bit more of when you would like to create a “Relationship” instead of a “Direct Link”. I assume that if the Asset has a Relationship to another Asset you might want to do both.


When it comes to “Measurement Readings”, in general, we’ll probably first prioritise making it easier to create a direct asset link by e.g. providing a “drop-down” to choose from in the Template instead of having the user “remembering” the Asset TAG. 




@asgottlieb can you add your inights to this?

NewGathering Interest

Here is a scenario - let’s say we’re working the outlet temperature of a distillation column reboiler.  Right now, InField forces us to choose one and only one asset to which we can connect that time series.  Should we connect it to the DCS tag that produces the data, the instrument measuring the data, the reboiler, or the column itself?  Different individuals and scenarios would call for all these connections to exist.

For time series data coming out of PI, we have made all these connections - the AssetID match is to the DCS tag, and all others are Relationships formed from the tag’s description and/or location of the AssetID match within the hierarchy.

We would like the same data structure to exist for all our time series, regardless of source.

@asgottlieb - thanks for the scenario, this makes a lot of sense. 

I think ideally we would create the “measurement reading” as a child (direct link) to the instrument tag, since this is the instrument where the measurement is actually coming from. Then there would either need to exist a pre-defined relationship between the instrument tag and DCS tag, that we can “piggy back” on, or we would need to automatically create that logic. Need to think about how to exactly solve it in the team, but the feature request defiantly makes sense.