Related products: Data Modeling

CDF should allow tag aliasing so that we can have two different tags that are not exact matches still refer to the same entity in the data model


Example from Adam G


As we ingest more data sources, we’re running into issues where the same asset is now represented in multiple data systems – here’s an example:


The same physical asset, let’s call it FV12345, would be represented in SAP as a maintenance asset, but also within the SIS system as a safety valve creating time series data.


The SIS system is unique in the sense that it includes a mixture of tag names that may already exist and new ones.  Is there a way for CDF to accomplish aliasing?


Ideally CDF can meet two cases:

  1. Searching for FV12345 only yields one result that represents both systems
  2. No tag names are missing (FV12345 represents both the SAP tag name as well as the SIS tag name), i.e. a search for all SAP tags yields FV12345, as does a search for all SIS tags



@rsiddha FYI

Hi @ibrahim.alsyed and thank you for this suggestion.

If we view this request in the context of the new Data Modeling functionality (currently in Beta) I believe it will be possible to add a list of aliases (list/array of strings) to each data model which would satisfy this need?

Right now, extending the existing API for the resources (Assets, Events, Files, etc) with this functionality isn’t part of any plan.

I’ve captured your feedback and will include it in our design considerations for the Time Series, Sequences, Enhanced Data Modeling (aka Flexible Data Modeling) and other resources.

@Philippe Bettler 

NewGathering Interest

Will close as "Won't Do".

We have a solution for users of Data Modeling (as a property that could be indexed), and are actively working on follow-up plans integrating DM and the other CDF resources.