CDF: Configure Default Column View for ALL

Related products: Search and Data Exploration

We need the ability to create a default configured view on CDF because the default views are not really helpful for domain experts. The new release allows us to configure our personal views but we need to have a default for Celanese that we can configure for all to have a starting point. This view that CDF has not a good starting view. we need Name, Description, Document Type etc. This is high priority.


Hi, Ibrahim.

If I understand you correctly, you like the new feature where each user can configure the columns that are valuable for them. But you would like the possibility for a company or project to set a different set of starting default columns than the ones that come as standard suggestions?


Best regards,

Knut Vidvei

yes- currently the default is fixed, correct? and i cant change it?

That is correct. The default is the same, and it is up to each user to set the ones that fits their needs the best. 

I believe I understand your need, and will take it in to the team. 

Yes. We need the ability to configure the default for each Company/Project. 

NewGathering Interest

@Knut Vidvei Any update on adding functionality to configure default views in CDF? This is a blocker for adoption with many of our domain experts. Thanks


We are still looking into how we can solve this best. In the mean time the Domain Experts can set their preferred columns themselves in the UI. 

For understanding your needs better, could you share the preferred columns domain experts in your company would like to see as default, and their order?


Best regards, Knut 

Thanks for the quick response. The columns that are of interest to people of different backgrounds are going to be likely different, which is why the ability to have a configurable view, where an user can choose the columns of his interest would be helpful. Once the user chooses his or her favorites and arranges them, it should be the same next time he logs in.

Hi, again Ramarao.

What you describe is already available and released feature where each user can set which columns are visible, and the order of importance. This is as you say because different people have different backgrounds and needs.

The icon is at the top right within each data type. Click the icon in the red box in the image. You can even show metadata as columns here. And you can drag to re-arrange the order of your preferred columns.


Today these are stored in the browser, but later we will store them in the user profile of the user so it carries wherever they login.

The other request made earlier in this thread is the ability for a company to configure the starting-set of columns per customer project, applied to all users. That set of features are not solved, as we are still investigating the best way to handle such a need.


@Knut Vidvei Thank you for the clarification on this item. We will get you the starting set of columns for our project. 

@Knut Vidvei Sent you the information regarding starting set of columns for our project via email. 

Thank you for the email.

This will be valuable input to this work!


Best regards, Knut

@Knut Vidvei Any update on this setup of default columns for CE projects, based on the information provided in Feb 2023? Thanks

@Knut Vidvei - i am really requesting that this be fixed for us. We requestde this long back but to no avail.


@Andreea Pastinaru need action

Hi @ibrahim.alsyed . In the new business/SME user focused data exploration under development and testing with you and your team, the option to define default columns and order of these (properties) is possible from data modelling setup side. We are also exploring if/how users can edit these themselves, as the feedback we have gained so far strongly favors the option to customize the view. 

We keep in touch on the topic during biweekly sessions.

@Sofie Svartdal Berge @Knut Vidvei @Andreea Oprea : any updates on this one?

cc: @ibrahim.alsyed 

Yes, @Marcela Young - the team har started this work in Search/FDX, and expect it to be released/made available in the next product release, March 5th. 

Gathering InterestPlanned for development


Providing an update here. The functionality is still under development. 


Sofie Berge, Product Manager

Hi @Sofie Svartdal Berge  Thank you for the update. Do you have a tentative timeline for when we can expect this feature? It has been a long standing request from us and definitely a HIGH priority item for CDF adoption.

Hi @rsiddha!
Yes, our plan is to release this functionality for project wide configuration as part of Q2 release, early June. It will cover the functionality to set a default configuration for all users, while users defining their own config will come later this year. 

