Hi. I’ve got a simple data model set up, with the following view.
type MonitoredObject {
name: String
tradeTimeSeriesName: String
watercourse: String
statusTimeSeries: TimeSeries
rawTimeSeries: TimeSeries
prepTimeSeries: TimeSeries
I’m trying to make a dashboard in Grafana, to display the values from the “statusTimeSeries” of all MonitoredObjects. I’d like the labels to display the value from the “tradeTimeSeriesName” property.
The following query renders the time series correctly, but, I’m unable to access the “tradeTimeSeriesProperty” as label
listMonitoredObject {
items {
statusTimeSeries {

In the table view, I see that the retrieved tradeTimeSeriesName values appear on a different row.

Any suggestion how I could change my graphQL query or use transformations in Grafana to get the label I want on the status history panel?
For the other query types in the Cognite Data Source for Grafana, there is a “label” field, where I could enter for instance {{description}} to set the label. Is there anything similar for the “Data Models” query type?