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Planned for development

Display Checklist values in a table

Related products:InField
  • December 5, 2024
  • 1 reply
  • ibrahim.alsyed
  • Marissa
  • RodrigoRVSN

Unable to see or trend previous entries in checklists.  No way to export to review entries.

 Please create a table of the entries that a supervisor can use to review multiple entries on multiple dates/checklists.
From the overview tab; User should be able to select a date range, all the checklists of interest and click display to get a table of all entries on those checklists and the ability to export that checklist to Excel or a .csv.  User should also be able to choose which columns to display in the table (including notes, and thumbnails/url’s to pictures).

This would allow a supervisor to review multiple checklists find nots and visualize trends in a different way.
As it is right now, the supervisor has to open each checklist individually to browse the values and notes. 

1 reply


Hi ​@Wrzyszczynski and thanks for this idea!

I’ve notified the Product Manager responsible for our applications. I expect them to contact you through this page if/when they have updates or questions related to it.


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