Cognite InField: 360 Photogrammetery View in Infield

Related products: InField

Provide ability to view 360 Photogrammetry in Infield during search 


Hi Ibrahim, could you explain what you mean by “during search”? 

When we search in Infield, we can only find associated 3D model, we should be able to view 360 Photogrammetery attached to that Tag.

Updated idea statusNewGathering Interest

Hi @ibrahim.alsyed ! Just an update on this one. 

In the new version of InField we have updated our 3D viewer to Reveal (similar to what you find in Fusion). Using this they’ve made it possible to search and find 360 images in Fusion today, which means that we can utilize something similar for InField. So this should be doable, and we have other customer requesting it as well, but we would need to do validation on mobile performance. Hopefully something that can be looked into during the Fall. 


Hi @Kristoffer Knudsen,

Looking for an update on this one since fall has already passed and we haven’t had any updates.