CDF metadata language support

Related products: Search and Data Exploration

Global companies might face the challenge of having global data used by different countries, regions and languages, in ERP and other source systems. Such data exist in form of shared ‘catalogs’, ‘master data’ or ‘configurations’. This data is often setup and maintained in source systems, with different languages to support users in multiple regions. This data then became attributes or metadata in Cognite objects.

Example given - Current situation:
This 'catalog' data (metadata) is extracted from source system in one single language - English - only, since CDF can't store it in multiple languages.
Then these metadata - field names and field values - are displayed in CDF with the only one language available - English -.
*Notice Metadata fields names and metadata field values don't change, despite user changing CDF language settings.





Proposed solution (request):
Have a way to store metadata fields names and metadata field values, coming in different languages from source systems, with language indicators such as EN (English), SP (Spanish) or DE (Deutsch) in CDF. 
Then display the metadata field names and metadata field values in CDF UI, based on the user language settings.





Hi @Anwar Bernal!

Thank you for suggesting this product idea. We will follow the traction this idea gets in the community. You can expect updates on this post if we decide to include this in our future roadmap, or if we require more information.

- Marius

its not about traction in community. Cognite needs to address this in the product to support scale and language diversity from source system. 


Correct, with the global scale out this topic is becoming critical and challenging for the end users. CDF must be able to store the meta data in multiple languages coming from the source system and display that data accordingly based on the user log in language in CDF. 

Due to this lack of functionality, the information is displayed in several languages in CDF, or even obsolete information is provided. 

Please treat it with appropriate priority as this is very critical from an adoption perspective. 

Addressing metadata in multiple languages is a common requirement. To tackle the challenge of storing data in multiple languages effectively, an innovative approach would involve integrating Generative AI capabilities. By harnessing Generative AI, seamless translation of information into the most widely spoken languages globally becomes feasible.


For example, Databricks offers a feature known as ai_translate(), which utilizes a state-of-the-art generative AI model to translate text via SQL. Although the current preview version is limited to translation between English (en) and Spanish (es), there is vast potential for expanding this functionality to include other languages.

Additionally, IBM has introduced this feature in their BI solution this year. Reference: IBM Documentation