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Planned for development

Conversation Threads in Industrial Canvas

Related products:Industrial Canvas
  • March 26, 2024
  • 1 reply

  1. Ability to start a conversation thread inside Industrial Canvas in CDF.
    1. Ability to tag users in the conversation thread.
    2. Ability to categorize these conversations.
      1. For Example, Troubleshooting Composition issues, or efficiency monitoring, or monthly status meeting or Root Cause Analysis.
    3. Ability to retrieve all conversation history from past troubleshooting exercises for a specific Canvas based on dates, categories, usernames etc.
    4. Ability to make these conversations public, private or accessible to select users chosen by whoever created the Canvas.
    5. Ability to tag a specific document, chart, drawing etc. inside that canvas to the conversation.
    6. Search results on CDF should show another category (similar to Assets, Timeseries, Files etc.) listing all Canvases and conversations which that asset is part sorted by (recent date or importance etc.)
    7. Ability to attach a link of these conversations in MS Teams/Outlook meeting notice etc.  

1 reply

Andreea Oprea
Seasoned Practitioner
  • Seasoned Practitioner
  • 136 replies
  • April 10, 2024

Hi @vaibhav.adewar ,

Really great feedback, appreciated it! 

See below my thoughts on each point:
1. Today is possible to start conversation threads with users and you can also tag users. 

  1. 2. It’s not possible today, but very good point and we will add this request to our roadmap. 
    3. Right now is possible to see all the conversations that are happening in the canvas. Use open comments pane.   

  1. 4. The conversations can be seen by the users with who you have shared the canvas. If a canvas is private, only you can see the comments. If you have shared the canvas with a few selected users, only those users will be able to see the canvas and also see the comments. 
    Is this the behaviour that your are thinking of? 

    5. Added to the roadmap. As a workaround, today, you can add the document to the canvas and point the comment section to that document. 

    6.  Yes. We are tackling this topic in Q3. 

    7. We will look into it. You could also attach the link to the canvas in MS Teams/Outlook meeting notice.

    Thank you,


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