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To Apply the "AND" Operation functionality in Data Explorer Multiple Metadata Filter.

Related products:Search and Data Exploration

Hi Team,

On behalf of CNTXT, I am creating this FR; they reported that when using the metadata filter in CDF Explorer Files section, selecting two filtering conditions results in a list containing items that meet either condition, similar to OR logic.
However, the requirement here is to filter the list to only contain items that satisfy both conditions simultaneously, similar to requiring all conditions to be met using AND logic. Currently this functionality is working based on the “OR” operation.




3 replies


Please see below example to justify the Feature Request:
SELECT Data set: Dilini_NewRelease 

Navigate to Metadata Tab in the Left side pane and select any type or 2 types of metadata
I select Metadata: createdby=Dilini and Metadata: description=test (See below screenshot)


There are 9 files with Metadata: createdby=Dilini and Metadata: description=test currently showing in the UI if you look at the above screenshot.


This is the behavior currently working based on the "OR" operation.


If this was to work based on the "AND" operation there wont be any results to show based on the above metadata conditions as there aren't any files that satisfy Metadata: createdby=Dilini and Metadata: description=test



Sofie Svartdal Berge
Seasoned Practitioner


Thank you for posting a feature request on behalf of CNTXT.

We fully agree with you. By simplifying the interface having all “metadata” keys in one drop down, we ended up treating all selections within that drop down with the “OR” logic. The logic you propose, to keep “OR” for multiple values for the same keys, while having “AND” logic between key-value pairs makes absolute sense, and I have transitioned this to our developer team for implementation. 

I’ll ping you when we have altered the logic. 


Meanwhile, you will experience that in the new Search experience, the “AND”/”OR” logic works as you expect. Here you will find all filters in the right hand side filter menu, and we have ensured there is “AND” logic between key-value pairs, while you can still select multiple values for the same keys with “OR” logic applied. 

To access and test out the new Search, navigate to the Fusion home page (, then notice the banner above the big search bar - choose “Try it now” for the new Search experience: 

Before opt-in to new Search
After opt-in to new Search

Now when you enter Search, you will find the filters on the right hand side:  

Thank you again!


Sofie, Lead Product Manager

Sofie Svartdal Berge
Seasoned Practitioner

Hi again @Udantha Wijeweera ! 

Happy to share that we yesterday released the updated AND/OR logic as per your suggestion. 
See this post for details: 





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