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Planned for development

Cognite Data Fusion: Folder Structure for Industrial Canvas

Related products:Industrial Canvas


On behalf of Celanese super users:

When navigating and using Industrial Canvas, I would like the ability to create folders to help organize and categorize canvases for my site/unit. Today, CDF shows a list of all available canvases available for my organization across three primary filters (Private, Public, and All). It is difficult to understand what could be relevant to my specific role without the additional context provided in the titles or having to open each individual canvas. It would be great to have the ability to group the canvases by operating unit or even discipline. This will make it a bit easier to understand what is available.

2 replies


Yes.  I fully support this need.  Just like Mural / Miro, having the ability to create knowledge structures and folders around the user-generated Canvas makes a lot of sense and is needed.

Andrew Wagner

This would also support our progress towards Digital Work packages for TA and Daily Maintenance; allowing users to create folder structures by TA/Outage events.


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