dataset-ext-id parameter is not supported in Cognite Documentum Extractor cofig.yaml configuration. Can we get this feature added?

Related products: Extractors

I am working on the config.yaml configuration of Documentum Extractor. But I am facing an issue while configuring the dataset-ext-id parameter in config.yaml as this parameter is not supported in the Documentum Extractor yaml. Can we get support for dataset-ext-id parameter as well?

Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "dataset-ext-id" (class com.cognite.connector.dctm.config.CdfConfig), not marked as ignorable (10 known properties: "idp-authentication", "external-id-prefix", "host", "project", "source", "api-key-env", "data-set-id", "api-key", "security-categories", "extraction-pipeline"]) 

Data set external IDs are not supported for the Documentum extractor. You can see a list of the supported config parameters on our documentation page.

Hi @Shubham Satish Nalawade, I’m transforming this question into a Feature Request for our product team to evaluate. 

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